Unfortunate Nancy Grace Imagery

March 18, 2009


Why, Wheel of Fortune, why?!

Via Dlisted.

“Real Housewives Of New Jersey” To Launch May 12

March 18, 2009

housewives_new-jerseyThese shows are all so awful and addicting at the same time. According to People, the new housewives “includes friends, a pair of sisters — who married brothers! — and their sister-in-law.” Just the character bios make me want to gag:

Jacqueline Laurita: A former cosmetologist, she is now a stay-at-home mom, but still loves to pamper herself. She has a teenage daughter from her previous marriage and a 6-year-old son with her husband Chris, who owns wholesale apparel businesses and is brother to Caroline and Dina.

Teresa Giudice: Born and raised in New Jersey, her husband Joe owns a successful construction company. Together they have three young daughters, who take up much of her time. A friend of Dina and Caroline, she also loves to shop, get spa treatments and spend time at her beach house on the Jersey Shore.

Danielle Staub: “You either love me or you hate me, there is no in between,” says the single mom of two daughters. She prides herself as one of the first female American Express Black card members in New Jersey. She is also active in her local parish and regularly attends mass. She and Jacqueline are friends.

Dina Manzo: Founder of the nonprofit Project Ladybug, which helps children with cancer, she’s also an interior designer, an event planner, mother and best friends with her sister Caroline. Her husband Tommy works with his brother (Caroline’s husband) at their family’s catering business.

Caroline Manzo: She’s a mother of three and own a real estate firm and a line of children’s accessories. Described as a “feisty spitfire,” she’s Dina’s sister and is on the board of Project Ladybug. She’s married to Albert Manzo, brother of Dina’s husband Tommy. Dina and Caroline’s brother is Jacqueline’s husband Chris.

I’m thinking Teresa is the best bet for an especially awful/entertaining stereotypical Jersey accent but here’s hoping all of them deliver on that front.

Sarah Palin 2012

March 18, 2009


Compared with her possible competitors – Romney, Huckabee, Jindal, Rush – I would welcome a Palin campaign.

Nerd Win

March 18, 2009


The “What now, bitches?” in the memo is a nice touch.

Rescuing Someone From The Subway Tracks, New York Style

March 18, 2009

Fred R. Conrad/NYT

The Times has a rather amusing profile of a charmingly “New York style” subway rescue.

[Chad] Lindsey said he sensed a train was approaching, because the platform was crowded. “I dropped my bag and jumped down there. I tried to wake him up,” he said. “He probably had a massive concussion at that point. I jumped down there and he just wouldn’t wake up, and he was bleeding all over the place.”

He looked back up at the people on the platform. “I yelled, ‘Contact the station agent and call the police!’ which I think is hilarious because I don’t think I ever said ‘station agent’ before in my life. What am I, on ‘24’?”

And what do you do after you rescue an unconscious man from the subway? Take the next train without even having the paramedics clean the stranger’s blood off of you, of course.

And Mr. Lindsey did just that – returning to the anonymous sea of people that is New York and escaping the notice of the police, the “station agent,” or the paramedics; he remained anonymous until a friend revealed his identity. “It was quite a New York day,” Mr. Lindsey said. Yes, indeed.

Source: Leap to Track. Rescue Man. Clamber Up. Catch a Train. (NYT)

Merriam-Webster Redefines Marriage

March 18, 2009

It wasn’t The Gays!


Right-wing Christian website World Net Daily (aka Wing Nut Daily) was tipped-off to the travesty by the creator of this YouTube video.

As JMG points out, I guess this means they can’t use the “you’re redefining marriage” argument anymore, right?!

Trailer: “Away We Go”

March 18, 2009

I stumbled upon this trailer last night and was intrigued by the pedigree of the credits: written by Dave Eggers (“A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius”) and his wife Vendela Vida, directed by Sam Mendes (“American Beauty,” “Road To Perdition,” “Jarhead,” “Revolutionary Road”) and starring (among others) Allison Janney and Catherine O’Hara! I could watch Allison Janney and Catherine O’Hara in comedic roles for the rest of my life and their presence is totally enough to make me overlook that of ‘flavor of the month week’ John Krasinski (“The Office”).

Check the trailer below; it definitely looks funny although I’m not sure it will win points for originality:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The song featured in the trailer, by the way, is a great track by Alexi Murdoch titled “All Of My Days.”

Download: Alexi Murdoch – All Of My Days