Obama: What Promises?

May 28, 2009

lgbt obama protestObama just spent two days in California raising $4 million dollars for the Democratic National Committee.

Outside the Beverly Hills location of last night’s event, groups waving pride flags protested the California Supreme Court’s recent Prop. 8 decision (above). Obama apparently made eye contact with one of them as he entered the building, as he referenced them in his remarks:

“One of them said, ‘Obama keep your promise,’ ” the president said. “I thought that’s fair. I don’t know which promise he was talking about.”

Not funny, Obama. Not. Funny.


SF Mayor Gavin Newsom To Run For CA Governor

April 21, 2009
I'll let you imagine your own dirty caption.

I'll let you imagine your own dirty caption.

Announced via his Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts.

Whoa new media!

Newsom for Gov.? Sorry but I give it a snowball’s chance in hell…

The Governator will be forced out by term limits.

Kathy Griffin Rallies For Gay Marriage

March 31, 2009

Super-ally Kathy Griffin gave a nine-minute speech yesterday at the California state capitol defending the rights of gay people to get married. To opponents to marriage equality she asked, “What the fuck is it to you!?”


The CA Supreme Court is yet to issue their ruling on the legality of Prop 8 but most analysts agree that it will probably stand.

Via Towleroad.

Obama To Appear On The “Tonight Show”

March 16, 2009

presidential-sealThe New York Times is reporting that Obama will visit Leno at the Tonight Show on Thursday, as part of a visit to Southern California.

Sitting heads of states rarely venture into late night, making the move somewhat unprecedented. The interview will focus on the economy.

Will he be funny? “As funny as the times allow,” the White House said.