Underwater Volcano Near Tonga Erupts [Updated]

March 19, 2009

…and creates some amazing scenes that look like they’re pulled from a sci-fi disaster movie. Click to enlarge.

Photo: Lothar Slabon/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Photo: Lothar Slabon/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Photo: Matangi Tonga Online/Reuters

Photo: Matangi Tonga Online/Reuters

The volcano is only 6 miles from the South Pacific nation’s main island but is not expected to threaten human or fish life (?!). Full story here. This is sure to produce more photos; I’ll keep you posted.

Update: Video! It doesn’t quite capture the scale but it’s awe-inspiring nonetheless…

Subway Hero Chad Lindsey Speaks to Rachel Maddow

March 19, 2009

Chad Lindsey, the latest NYC subway hero that I wrote about here, spoke with Rachel Maddow last night. Rumor has it that Chad plays on our team…