New Decemberists Album To Hit iTunes A Week Early Plus A New Track Leaked

March 14, 2009

the-decemberists-the-hazards-of-loveIt’s just been announced that The Decemberists‘s new album, “Hazards Of Love,” will hit iTunes on March 17 (this Tuesday!), a week before it hits other venues and goes physical on its official release date, March 24. Yay!

iTunes doesn’t have a pre-order page up yet, so here’s a newly leaked track to hold you over:

Won’t Want For Love (Margaret In The Taiga)

This track introduces us to the story’s Margaret but I have to admit, I kinda miss Colin’s voice. Bitchin’ instrumentals, though.

You May Have Missed: The Decemberists’s Colin Meloy On “The Hazards Of Love”