“My McNuggets *Are* An Emergency”

March 3, 2009

This shit was featured on AC 360 last night but no one does it better than Michael K over at d-listed:

Picture this shit: You’ve just handed over your money for an extra-delicious 10-piece of Chicken McNuggets and you can’t wait to get those warm chunks of chicken-flavored rat meat down your froat. Your mouth is practically foaming and then…..the dumb bitch cashier at McDonald’s strolls up to tell you they are fucking out of deep-fried bits of heaven. So what do you do about it? Of course, you call fucking 911, because that shit is an emergency and a crime!

Pure you-can’t-make-this-up brilliance.  Read his whole wonderful post (I challenge you not to laugh) for the full story.

Remember How An Asteroid Almost Destroyed The Planet On Monday? Yeah, Me Neither

March 3, 2009

The asteroid, known as 2009 DD45, came relatively close to the Earth at 8:44 AM EST on Monday:

“The gap was just 44,750 miles; a fifth of the distance between our planet and the Moon; …or only twice the altitude of satellites in geosynchronous orbit. […]

It is in the same size range as a rock which exploded over Siberia in 1908 with the force of 1,000 atomic bombs.”

And how soon did they discover it?!  SATURDAY; ie, TWO DAYS NOTICE. To be fair, it may not have been a direct impact – it could have just grazed the surface. And for bullet wounds, at least, grazing is totally what you want to wish for.

Source: BBC News. Via Slog.

Prop 8 Hearings Begin Thursday; New Pro-Equality Ad

March 3, 2009

On Thursday, the California Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on the legality of Prop 8, specifically whether it was an improper revision of the state’s constitution.  On Friday, Equality California will begin airing this 30-second ad, calling for it’s repeal:

I’m not sure how I feel about (spending money on) this ad. Since the court’s ruling will have nothing to do with public opinion, it’s seems a bit odd for this spot to be airing now (as opposed to, oh, I don’t know, before the election?!), and I think I agree with Towleroad on this that, while the images are grave and moving, the music and voice-over are too saccharine for this point in the battle.

For more coverage on Thursday’s hearings, see Google News.

Thanks Joe. My. God.

New Music Tuesday

March 3, 2009

U2 No Line On The HorizonBy far the biggest new release today is U2′s 12th studio album, “No Line On The Horizon.”

I’ve been enjoying this album for a couple weeks now and am surprisingly impressed with it, which is noteworthy since I haven’t liked much of their stuff since the “Joshua Tree” days.  And apparently I’m not the only one enjoying the album: Rolling Stone gave it 5 Stars and EW an A-. (Pitchfork, which rarely thrives solely on being different, gave the album a 4.2).

I still don’t care for the album’s lead single, “Get On Your Boots,” so I’ll instead leave you with the album’s first two tracks:

No Line On The Horizon



Buy the album: Amazon (on sale for $3.99!) / iTunes