Opening Today: Duplicity

March 20, 2009
Andrew Schwartz/Universal Pictures

Photo: Andrew Schwartz/Universal Pictures

The Times’s A.O. Scott has given it a glowing review:

However you describe it, “Duplicity” is superior entertainment, the most elegantly pleasurable movie of its kind to come around in a very long time. […]

[Writer/director Tony] Gilroy’s most ingenious structural gamble — the duplicity of “Duplicity” — is to make foreground and background almost perfectly reversible. It’s a sharp, sexy comedy masquerading as a twisty tale of intrigue, and vice versa. And as soon as you grow impatient with the pre- or postcoital repartee of Ms. Roberts and Mr. Owen, a nimble army of supporting players comes forward to deliver Mr. Gilroy’s mordantly funny dialogue with perfectly straight faces.

The song featured in the trailer is “The Bomb” by Bitter:Sweet.

Download: Bitter:Sweet – The Bomb

More: “Duplicity” at Rotten Tomatoes; Movie Review: Duplicity (NYT)

Also opening this week is “I Love You, Man” which although starring the adorable Paul Rudd, I have a total aversion to because it reeks of Judd Apatow-style garbage (even though it’s not connected to Apatow). Frankly, I’m really only mentioning it here so I can include Manohla Dargis’s description of Jason Segel: “a gentle belly swell, the suggestion of an A-cup.” Ouch.