Today In Birthdays

March 30, 2009

Van Gogh would be 156 today; he died in 1890 at the age of 37.


People have told me this painting reminds them of me. Yeah, I didn’t really see it as a compliment, either.

Cat vs. Fish Tank

March 30, 2009

You know it’s coming and it’s still good:

Via Slog.

Photographer Captures The End Of A Rainbow

March 30, 2009

jason-erdkamp-end of rainbow

Taken by Jason Erdkamp on his iPhone in Orange County, CA.  Source.

Music Spotlight: FrankMusik

March 30, 2009

frankmusikWhen I first came across FrankMusik‘s (aka Vincent Frank) cover of Amy Winehouse‘s “Rehab,” I was jarred by how completely re-invented the song had been – not just through a shift in genres (think Mika + Scissor Sisters with a dash of Patrick Wolf) but in melody and rhythm, too. While my initial impulse was to delete the track (I’m fierce with the delete key), I kept it around and was then shocked to find myself humming it in the shower a day later. Since then, I’ve totally embraced it and am not even sure I remember how the original goes.

Rehab (Amy Winehouse Cover)

Since I enjoyed “Rehab” so much, I took a peak around to see if there were other FrankMusik covers out there, and there was:

Every Breath You Take (Police Cover)

Coincidentally, while I was aimlessly wandering down my own path of FrankMusik discovery, friend and music god Sean was already on it (no surprise) and e-mailed me (thanks, Sean!) his first single, “Better Off As Two.” It’s more tame than “Rehab” and shows great promise for his debut album (produced by Stuart Price!) of the same name, to be released in June 2009.

Better Off As Two

Finally, FrankMusik toured with Keane recently on their Perfect Symmetry support tour – a gig that was offered to him after he produced the following remix:

Keane – Perfect Symmetry (FrankMusik Remix)


More:; FrankMusik MySpace