Just Insert Date!

March 2, 2009

Or, “Dow Below 6,800; Lowest Close Since ’97” (NYT)

Take That, Tapeworm!

March 2, 2009

What are your chances of getting a tapeworm?

Don’t even pretend you don’t want to know…

Related: Remember this worm?!

My Current Desktop

March 2, 2009


Coast Guard War Memorial, Battery Park, NYC. Click pic to enlarge.

“The Chameleon:” The Best New Yorker Piece I’ve Ever Read

March 2, 2009
Photo: NYer/François-Marie Banier

Photo: NYer/François-Marie Banier

There is a clear stand-out in my mind for the most interesting article I’ve ever read in the New Yorker.

Published in August of 2008, “The Chameleon” follows much of the life of Frédéric Bourdin, a man who has lived several.

To say any more would give too much away so I will only admit that it is an incredibly fascinating and suspenseful study of crime, coincidences, and perhaps, sheer luck. It is a highly entertaining read and I could not recommend it more.

Read it at the New Yorker.

Lessons In Bike Locking And Canadian As A Second Lanuage

March 2, 2009

…courtesy Fail Blog.

fail-owned-bike-lock-owner-fail fail-owned-canadian-language-fail1

Um, Maybe You *Shouldn’t* Pass On Your Genetic Material

March 2, 2009


Via BuzzFeed.

Breaking News: Obama More Analytical Than Bush, Gates Says

March 2, 2009

From Sunday’s Meet The  Press interview with Defense Secretary Robert Gates:

Mr. Gregory: What’s the difference between working–what’s different between working for President Obama vs. President Bush?


Sec’y Gates: I–that’s–it’s really hard to say. I think that, I think that probably President Obama is, is somewhat more analytical, and, and, he makes sure he hears from everybody in the room on an issue. And if they don’t speak up, he calls on them.

Mr. Gregory: A marked difference from his predecessor?

Sec’y Gates: President Bush was interested in hearing different points of view but didn’t go out of his way to make sure everybody spoke if they hadn’t, if they hadn’t spoken up before.

Secretary Gates is the only cabinet-level hold-over from the Bush administration.

Transcript courtesy NBC News.

Tranny McGuyver

March 2, 2009

One of my all-time favorites.

March 2, 2009

200th Post

Thanks to everyone who motivated me reach my 200th post!